Souls of Mischief began in 1991 as an underground Hip Hop group in Oakland, California. Group members are Tajai (Tajai Massey) Phesto (Damani Thompson) Opio (Opio Lindsey) and A-Plus (Adam Carter). Tajai and A-Plus started working together when they were in elementary school, later Tajai met Phesto while both were in junior high school, with Opio joining the group when they were in high school.
Adam Carter (April 15, 1974) was born in Denver, Colorado and moved to Oakland at the age of 5; Damani Thompson (April 29, 1974) was born and raised in Oakland; Opio Lindsey (April 22, 1974) grew up in Oakland; and Tajai Massey (April 21, 1975) born in Stanford, California, moved at the age of 2 to Oakland.
In 1993 the group released their first album 93 'til Infinity, which topped the charts at #85 on the Billboard 200 and #17 on the Top U.S. R&B albums.
Additional Links
- Souls of Mischief Subotage Entertainment 1
- Souls of Mischief Wikipedia