Oakland Open Data Portals & Sources
- data.openoakland.org - open datasets about Oakland that anyone can add to
data.oaklandnet.com - the city's data portal
- The City contracts with a company called Socrata to run their open data portal. Socrata is a large company that contracts with many cities to run their data portals. Interested in how much that might cost us? Here's a great blog post with some numbers about how much Socrata charges for these services.
- data.acgov.org - Alameda County data portal
- AC Transit Data Resource Center
Geospatial Data, Historical Data, and Digitized Images
For geospatial data, you might find some helpful stuff on the maps of Oakland page.
If you're looking for things like digitized historical images and documents, check out the historical research entry.
And if you're looking for all kinds of images of Oakland that you can use on this site, do an advanced search on flickr with the option "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content" selected and check both of the options below that ("Find content to use commercially" & "Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon").
1937 Residential Security Map for Oakland and Berkeley http://salt.unc.edu/T-RACES/demo/demo.html
Foreclosures from 2007 to 2011, http://data.openoakland.org/dataset/final-foreclosures-2007-2011
-[oaklandpoliceois.geojson] Officer Involved Shootings, http://oaklandpolicebeat.com/
wrongful death shootings (settlements) http://oaklandpolicebeat.com/2014/06/oakland-police-department-wrongful-shooting-death-settlements-1990-2014/
officer awards:
an example of a specific officer, his related shootings and awards (pop up on map)
police salary:
California Department of Education (enrollment by year by race for counties and school districts):
Interested in working with open data about Oakland? Here are some opportunities to get involved:
- Open Oakland, the Oakland Code for America Brigade meets up every Tuesday night at 7PM at City Hall. They do lots of civic hacking projects. You can learn more about how to do interesting things with data there and work with others on neat projects.
- Open Data Day: Open Data Day is on Feb 22. Here's info about Oakland's Open Data Day activities in 2014.
- Help scrape websites! Here's an inventory of city sites that are ripe for the scraping.
- The wiki itself is a source of data. Learn more about using the LocalWiki API.