Suigetsukan Front Entrance ( Photo by HiMY SYeD )Suigetsukan Martial Arts School is a worker-owned cooperative martial arts dojo located in the Merritt neighborhood. Specializing in Jujitsu, Aikido and Japanese Sword techniques, the school offers sliding scale/pay what you will classes that seek to maximize accessibility (no one is turned away for lack of funds).
The dojo was founded in Berkeley in 1991 by Sensei Mike Esmailzadeh. In 1993 it moved to a warehouse in Oakland until 2003, when it moved to its current location.
Meaning of the Name
According to the Suigetsukan website,
"Suigetsukan translates directly as “moon reflected on water school”. Sui is the Japanese word for water, Getsu means moon, and Kan stands for hall.
The word suigetsu comes from a Buddhist teaching in which it is said that regardless of where a pool of water is, however wide, or deep, or whatever color, the moon will always reflect in the pool as long as the pool is still. In the same way Suigetsukan Dojo will show students their own capabilities, provided the students are prepared to learn."
This organization is a part of the Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives (NoBAWC).