2024 CC SA-BY Our Oakland

Glenview Elementary is at 4215 La Cresta Avenue in the Glenview neighborhood. Glenview's mascot is the Griffins.

Glenview Elementary is in an interesting building, which while not a historical landmark, it was quite distinctive. In February, 2014, OUSD announced plans to raze Glenview and rebuild it. Some neighbors were not happy in part because of the perceived lack of communication by the school district, but also planned changes in the layout of the grounds. The stated reason for building new instead of retrofitting is the cost for retrofitting would be 2/3rds the cost of new. State guidelines suggest building new when retrofitting costs would exceed 1/2. 1

Glenview Elementary photo CC SA-BY from Our OaklandGlenview Elementary photo CC SA-BY from Our OaklandGlenview Elementary photo CC SA-BY from Our Oakland

Eventually the school was mostly rebuilt, but the distinctive facade around the main entrance was preserved.

Links and References

  1. OUSD announces plan to raze and reconstruct Glenview Elementary Oakland Local February 14, 2014