Looking for a job?

This is a senior citizens' march organized to protest unemployment and inflation. Chicago, 1973. Photo is public domain. Let the Jobs Portal be another handy resource in your search!  The Jobs Portal contains a variety of resources, including directories of local employment agencies, job training services and specialized services. This is not an exhaustive list, so please add anything you find of value!

You may also want to follow  job openings posted around the wiki.

Online Job Portals

Walk-In Employment Services

  • One-Stop Career Centers provide a variety of employment services across its centers, but vary based on the size of the center and its focus.  All centers provide job searching tools and resources, information on hiring events, referrals, workshops, and a range of self-directed services.  Workshops include but are not limited to resume development, interviewing techniques, networking, utilizing social media, completing online applications, and appropriate work behaviors and grooming.  Self-directed services include but are not limited to vocational assessment, labor market information, career exploration, and access to computers, telephones, faxes, and copy machines.  All of these services are free of charge.
  • Oakland One-Stop Career Centers in Oakland

Specialized Agencies

The East Bay maintains a considerable number of agencies providing employment services to job seekers and employers.  The types of services vary widely and may differ on the populations served, as well as, eligibility requirements for receiving services.  The directories below are divided by populations served.  

Job Training Programs

The East Bay maintains a considerable number of job training programs.  East Bay Job Developers has a director of a handful of services.  

What should this page contain?

  • Links to places to find job listings.
  • Education and training resources.
  • An expanded section on job resources for specific communities.
  • Add more suggestions here!