The Marin Way Murals are a fantastic collection of murals along Marin Way, an alley parallel to International Blvd. that runs from 14th Avenue almost to 23rd Avenue. Numerous Oakland artists are represented.

Artists include Chris Granillo and Chucky, Che crew (this part), Daz One, Irot and Che Crew, (this part), Ernest Doty and CBS crew (this part), Excel and Alph (this part), Irot and Che (this part), Stay Aware and As (this part and this part), Koleo (this part), Daz, Fact and Aware (this part), Irot (this part), mystery artist (this part), Chris Granillo (this part), Nite owlAgana, Aware, Chaos938, Abakus, Cuba Ex-Vandal, (this part), Jeannette Farrell, Peskador, Chris Granillo, Creature ExVandals and Cuba ExVandals (this part).

Blog with pictures of murals in progress.

Chris Granillo, Che and Daz One photo by greenkozikoleo by greenkoziIrot by greenkoziStay Aware by greenkoziChris Granillo by greenkozi


photo by greenkozi

? and Ernest Doty by greenkoziCC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our Oakland


photo by greenkozi

CC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our OaklandCC SA-BY Our Oaklandphoto by greenkozi



photo by mk30chris granillo narwhal. photo by mk30

photo by greenkozi

fence by chris granillo. photo by greenkozi

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