- A Coté
- Alta Bates Showcase Thrift Store
- Bambino Thrift Shop
- Barclay's Restaurant & Pub
- Barney’s Gourmet Hamburgers
- Becky's Chinese
- Ben and Nick's
- Bica Coffeehouse
- Bittersweet Cafe
- Boero Manufacturing Company
- Box & Bells
- Cherese Henderson
- Chimes Theatre
- Claremont Middle School
- Clarence Bullwinkel Ford
- College Avenue Free Market
- College Avenue Presbyterian Church
- College Bowl
- Crepevine
- Diesel Bookstore
- Enoteca Molinari
- Filippo's
- Gifford Apartments
- Great Wall Chinese Restaurant
- Guest Chef
- Hank and Frank Bikes
- Hudson Bay Cafe
- Khana Peena
- L. C. Firestine Ford
- Marica Restaurant
- McNally's Irish Pub
- Nan Yang
- Oakland Firestorm Mural
- Oliveto Cafe & Restaurant
- Osmanthus
- Paul Marcus Wines
- Pegasus Books
- Pizza Rustica
- Ramen Shop
- Restaurant Chu
- Rockridge Market Hall
- Rockridge Masonic Temple
- Sabuy Sabuy Thai Cuisine
- Safeway on College
- Smitten Ice Cream
- Soi Four Bangkok Eatery
- Southie
- Trader Joe's
- TranSports
- Trappist Provisions
- Uzen Japanese Cuisine
- Wood Tavern
- Ye Old Hut
- Zachary's Chicago Pizza