Our Seed Pages List provides information about pages marked as Seed Pages, meaning the editor decided they were clearly too short, but not so short as to be useless. It also includes lists of pages requiring additional work which do not include any specific Seed links to avoid clutter or confusion (Included files, for example).

This entry is a seed, a starting point for writing a full entry. You can help Wiki by expanding it! Just click the "Edit" button.
...This page needs work to expand ...

See Also:

  • Info Needed - requests for information within header tables, etc
  • Please Add - requests for additions to lists
  • Wanted Pages - links to BufWiki pages that do not yet exist
  • Orphaned Pages - BufWiki pages that have no reference to them
  • Site Organization - more about the organization of the site
  • RAW DATA - a place for raw input for BufWiki editors to integrate into the site

Please Help

Please help the Pawtucket Wiki by expanding the listed pages with more content:

Documenting Pages Needing Work

Here is how our editors document pages needing work:

  • Add Seed Macro, [[Include(Seed)]], to the page where the graphic, color coding, and longer text are desired
  • Add a textual link such as ["Seed/Definition" needs more information] ....  or ["needs work"] .... , wherever the above may create issues, such as on included pages, etc.
  • Talk Page - create a Talk page for the page needing work and use one of the above on the Talk page itself.
  • Editor List - add a page to the list below when no seed links are appropriate to the page itself.
  • See Seed/Definition for more details. All pages referencing that page are automatically added to the Automated List, below.

Editor List

The following pages do not reference the "Seed/Definition" but require additional work.

  • Shopping - this directory link list has lots of Wanted Pages and may be incomplete

  • Automated List

    The following pages link to the page "Seed/Definition." This means they probably do [[Include(Seed)]]. So, this is probably a good list of pages that are seeds and need improvement!