John A. Lindsay (July 7, 1820-February 14, 1894) was a soldier, land-owner, and businessman who lived in Powhatan.1


From Goodspeed:

Born in Kentucky, he moved to Lawrence County in 1838. "As Washington was called the father of his country, so might Col. Lindsay be called the father of Powhatan, as he laid out that town, and established the ferry across Black River. Upon his arrival in Lawrence County he clearedt he land, and commenced farming where Powhatan now stands, and at one time owned some 10,000 acres of land in this county. He now possesses about 2,000 acres and six valuable farms, and is one of the wealthy men of Ashlan Township.Received a captain's commission of an independent company, who were armed, mounted and equipped in 1861. This company entered the Confederate Army and Lindsay was promoted to Col. He married at Powhatan in 1840 to Miss Martha A. Ficklin, daughter of Asa P. Ficklin who died in 1878 after nearly forty years of marriage. One sone was born to them Asa T. Lindsay. Member of the masonic order, being a royal arch mason and Knight Templar, belonging to Powhatan Lodge.


1. Daily Arkansas Gazette. February 16, 1894. p.5. John A Lindsay dies, 2-16-1894.pdf