1. Birth Inc. 719 W Hillside Ave Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 778-5683 After hours (928) 778-5683

Crisis hotline providing support in alternatives to abortion. Offers free pregnancy tests. Provides baby furniture, baby clothes, car seats, diapers, and maternity clothes for new parents in need.

2. Life Connections Pregnancy Resource and Referral Center 7875 E Florentine Rd Ste C Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 (928) 227-3130

Offers services for women who are pregnant. Services include pregnancy tests; pregnancy counseling; referrals for ultrasound; options counseling; information about abortion, birth control, and adoption; post-abortion counseling and healing retreats; pregnancy loss Bible study; Mommy Bags (layettes); men's fatherhood program; and an Earn While You Learn program for women to earn baby and maternity items while learning parenting tools and skills.

3. KARE Family Center 400 N Washington Ave Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 443-1991

Provides support and services to family members raising grandchildren, nieces or nephews, cousins, or other relatives.