In order to register to vote in Illinois, one must be a US citizen, must be turning 18 or older by the General Election Day of that year, and must have been a resident of the voting precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.

Two forms of identification are required to register, and one must show the current residential address of the registrant. More details about forms of identification, including examples and information about registering to vote by mail, are available in the second section of "Registering to Vote in Illinois".

Voter registration is open year-round except for the 27 days prior to and two days after any scheduled election (e.g. primary or general). However, grace period registration is available in person through the County Clerk.

The County Clerk also provides information about registration locations. Outside of the restricted window, registration may happen in person, by mail, or online.

If you move prior to an election, please refer to information page linked above, in the section titled:  "If I move, can I still vote?"