Parent page: Raleigh Adopta App
Project communication and details
- Email the Raleigh Code for Raleigh Brigade captains: [email protected]
- Bugs and featuers are listed on the GitHub project page
- IRC: Freenode, #codeforamerica channel
2012 Race for Reuse metrics and marketing to-do's
- Drive awareness of the program; reduced staff time of 3-5 minutes per phone call explainging program
- Host an awareness event on our around December 1, 2012
- 20 new adoptions by December 6, 2012
- Create a TriangleWiki page for each adopted bus shelter by December 6, 2012
- Raleigh public affairs (by end of week -- Jason)
- Raleigh Public Record (Jason)
- News & Observer (Jason)
- Send email to RCAC list; suggest to have CACs (Jason)
- Presentation to City Council?
- Mayor challenge/declaration?
Draft press release (Jason)
- Re-purpose to CityCamp blog
- Note: 4-5 shelters are typically adopted per press mention
Configure/Install app notes
notes to be added to GitHub and forked adopta code base for Raleigh
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum groupinstall 'development tools'
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ curl -L | bash -s stable #installs rvm
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ source /home/CORALEIGH/foleyc/.rvm/scripts/rvm
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ rvm install 1.9.3
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ rvm pkg install libyaml
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ rvm reinstall all --force
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ rvm requirements
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel zlib zlib-
devel libyaml-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel make bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison iconv-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ rvm reinstall 1.9.3
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ gem install rails --no-rdoc --no-ri
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install postgresql-server
#must be root
$sudo su -
$service postgresql initdb
$service postgresql start
$chkconfig postgresql on
#To connect to your postgres server simply do this (as root):
$su postgres
$psql -p 5432
#exit out back to foleyc shell
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install -y libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install postgresql-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install sqlite-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ git clone git://
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ cd adopt-a-hydrant
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ bundle install
#must be root
$sudo su -
edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and change all to trusted
cd /var/lib/pgsql/data/
$sudo nano postgresql.conf !uncomment listen_addresses = 'localhost'
$/etc/init.d/postgresql restart
"simply connect to db"
-bash-4.1$ psql adopt_a_thing_development //then you can run your queries etc.
postgres=#su postgres
postgres=#create role foleyc login createdb;
postgres=#\du #lists all users
postgres=#\list #lists all databases
postgres=#\q #quits
#exit out back to foleyc
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$bundle exec rake db:create
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$bundle exec rake db:schema:load
#install passenger
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$gem install rails passenger
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$passenger-install-apache2-module #failed b/c of dependencies, install dependencies from the prompt
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$sudo yum install curl-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$sudo yum install httpd
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install httpd-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install apr-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$ sudo yum install apr-util-devel
[foleyc@rordevapp1 adopt-a-hydrant]$passenger-install-apache2-module
edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following lines to the bottom of the file
# CHF - COR - 11/03/2012 Adding Passenger config - do not remove -
LoadModule passenger_module /home/CORALEIGH/foleyc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286/gems/passenger-3.0.18/ext/apache2/
PassengerRoot /home/CORALEIGH/foleyc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286/gems/passenger-3.0.18
PassengerRuby /home/CORALEIGH/foleyc/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.3-p286/ruby
# CHF - COR - 11/03/2012 Adding virtual host config - do not remove -
<VirtualHost *:80>
# !!! Be sure to point DocumentRoot to 'public'!
DocumentRoot /home/CORALEIGH/foleyc/adopt-a-hydrant/public
<Directory /home/CORALEIGH/foleyc/adopt-a-hydrant/public>
# This relaxes Apache security settings.
AllowOverride all
# MultiViews must be turned off.
Options -MultiViews
#restart apache
sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart
browse to http://rordevapp1 and the app should come up.
todo: seed lat/lng coordinates, change graphics, center map on Raleigh, config email server, get a decent url name
- Also see buglist for adding city_id, lat, lng to attr in things.rb model
- edited /home/xfinger/adopt-a-hydrant/app/mailers/thing_mailer.rb to make the from address a cor address
- edit /home/xfinger/adopt-a-hydrant/app/views/thing_mailer/reminder.text.erb
- configure email (smtp) in config/environments/production.rb
- center map on Raleigh - inside main.js.erb in /assets/javascripts
--Become an admin of the site
app/assets/javascripts/main.js.erb - edit line 2 to LatLng(35.7719, -78.6389); to center your map in raleigh.
config/initializers/locals/en.yml - edit the defaults info to change address city state ... these show up on the left hand info panel
the app uses rails_admin gem ( for administration stuff. It's at url/admin but you have to be an admin to access it. To become an admin, open a rails console (just type 'rails console' at command line) and do User.find(:all). Find your user id (probably 1 if you are the first or only user in the db). Now type a=User.find(1). Then a.admin = true. Then You should now be an admin.
If you look at the admin panel there is a place to create reminders and send them to users but I couldn't get it to work. It requires a from user field but the drop down selector did not show up on mine so it kept throwing an error. I will look into it. That didn't work so I wasn't able to test out the email stuff. The app didn't have mailer.yml file in the config directory - seems to me that you need it but they may have set things up differently.
If you have trouble seeding in production let me know, I had to tweak the model to get it to work.
[foleyc@rordevapp1 sidebar]$ vim _combo_form.html.haml
Update the tos.
you can search for terms to find where to make edits using this command
$grep –iR keyword-to-search ./
postgres become super user
backup database:
(on source db) -bash-4.1$ pg_dump adopt_a_thing_development --clean > 711prdClean
restore db (blows away existing db objects and recreates them. db must exist.
(on destination db) -bash-4.1$ psql adopt_a_thing_development < 711prdClean