See the end of this post for start of the planning the presentation on Sunday afternoon 

Session Notes:

We learned earlier that the Raleigh budget process really doesn’t have a lot of standards.

A research topic is, what’s done now. -- KF will start
How to share ?

What requirements come out of funding hooks that comes down from state of fed?  School data may well help there.

Recommendation - Don’t put any piece of data in only a closed format (PDF)
Also have back end data in a format that can be mined.

Recommendation - Something like Google Moderator to explore that people really want to find out what’s the low hanging fruit or , so things can be prioritized.
Raleigh has something from Granicus (sp?), being used for the open standards process, could this be used

After any project, standards as to how data will be shared.
Todo: A checklist for the city to use for new data sets.
- What is this data
- Should it be open by default
- Scope and scale
- What are the cross use opportunities

A question for Charles Duncan: What’s the things you have to keep asking for when you submit requests for data? That may be a good lead to what's most useful.  

They can come from really unusual places, sometime aren’t tracked today, but may be soon. QR codes on things will produce a lot of data.

Jonathan Minter - who to get the checklist to

It’s not just about open source,


Kevin Flanagan

Ruby Seinrich

Jason Hibbets

Mary-Ann Baldwin

Tyler Craft

Scott Reston


Plan for project presentation:

As the city does almost anything, especially things that will have continued growth and/or maintenance, it creates even more data. 

Develop the list of questions that city agencies should use when looking at any new set of data.

  • What is this data
  • Should it be open by default
  • What is the scope and scale of this data
  • What are the cross use opportunities


Presentation files:

We would encourage anyone interested in further developing the form for prioritizing data collected by the city to help by working with the Excel prototype we showed today.

Open Source Priority Form.xlsm