Innovate Raleigh Steering Committee Meeting Notes - April 12, 2013
In attendance
- Tom Miller, NC State
- Matt Muñoz, New Kind
- Liana Fryer, NC State
- James Sauls, Raleigh Chamber
- Derrick Minor, City of Raleigh
- Jason Hibbets, Red Hat
- Butch Grove, Wake Tech
- Mary-Ann Baldwin, Holt Brothers/City of Raleigh
Guest attendees
- Matt Tomasulo, CityFabric
- Brent Anthony, BDA Health Solutions
Topics of discussion
Mary-Ann gave an update on Month of September events and showed three (3) potential logos to be considered as a branding logo for the month.
Jason Hibbets will help crowd source the community’s feedback on which logo they like. Current IR website will host the crowd source feedback.
New Kind has been hired to develop the Innovate Raleigh website.
The Innovation Summit is scheduled for September 11th.
Brent Anthony discussed having a break-out session on Healthcare 2.0 and how it can support entrepreneurs that are operating in the healthcare space. James mentioned that the Chamber has convened a group of healthcare and IT leaders to discuss the overall strengths of Raleigh/Wake with this cluster. James will connect Brent with Wayne Watkins (Chamber) who is leading the initiative.
Matt Tomasulo discussed his idea to create the “Beach” in the Boylan Heights / Warehouse District. James to connect him with Adam Lofton who owns a site in the vicinity.
Sauls asked about working with NCSU Alumni groups to do a campaign to promote Raleigh
Upcoming Events:
Datapalooza – April 22nd / noon to 6 pm / HUB Raleigh
Next Innovate Raleigh Meeting:
April 26, 10:30 – 12:00 pm, Raleigh Chamber of Commerce
Note: James Sauls provided these notes
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