Tasks & Goals for This Month:
Find aggregators. Notes of Pros/Cons of data.
Converge next meeting to bring down platforms to choice
Techniques to find Aggregators:
Research other cities, see how a new person finds things
- NYC, SV, Denver, Indianapolis, Boulder, Austin
- Google Search
- Google for Entrepreneurs
- Twitter Thought Leaders
- Different Industry Perspectives
- http://startupstash.com/
- local software http://www.query.city/ Q&A
- http://raleighmainevent.com/
- http://www.bizconnc.com/attend.html
- http://www.bizconnc.com/awards.html
- http://www.exitevent.com/ - TechCrunch - WRAL TechWire - Business Journal
- http://openmaps.raleighnc.gov/startup-map/#
- http://foster.ly
- http://accelerat.io/
- producthunt.com
- reddit.com
- innovationraleigh.com
- innovateraleigh.com
- about.me
- coderwall.com
- hackernews.com
- angel.co
- http://parkland.io/
- https://nytm.org/members
- http://www.digital.nyc/map
- http://madewithloveinbaltimore.org/
- https://startupgenome.co/
- http://www.raleigh4u.com/
- http://madeinnorthcarolina.com/minnc-products.html
- http://madeinnc.org/
- http://www.ourstate.com/made-in-nc-products/
- http://www.manufacturednc.com/
- http://www.sbtdc.org/resources/
- https://www.score.org/
- http://www.cednc.org/
- Wake Tech Small Business Center
- http://www.meetup.com/
- Library Meetups & Events
- Incubators
- Business Schools, Professors, NC State, Duke, UNC, Wake Tech
- https://www.google.com/business/
- http://vergehq.com/
- http://www.techstars.com/program/locations/
- http://riseofrest.com/
- Techbreakfast Meetups are cool
- Raleigh Chamber of Commerce SB resources http://raleighchamber.org/ecodev/sbrg_Introduction.aspx
- Did I not mention linkedin https://smallbusiness.linkedin.com how stupid of me
Grouping of information
Most active entries: need active moderators
- Calendar with events
- blogs/infographics/stories
- Email subscriptions
Crowdsource with admin interface for:
- start-up listing with tags e.g. #of employees, funding size, how old
- incubator listing e.g. information about industry, start-end dates
- angel investor list
- vc investor list
- co-working spaces listing
- government and non-profit resources
- private companies
- start-up jobs listing
Provide way for others to network with: Social
- ‘subject matter expert’ or like minded entrepreneur
- advisors or mentors
- expert agency or freelancer e.g. marketing, accounting etc.
- beta tester