Saint James African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church is a Gothic Revival brick church located in the historic Method neighborhood on the western outskirts of Raleigh.The church is historically significant as an important example of the spirit of community-building and individual and collective improvement supported by active Method residents and entrepreneurs and as the only church that still occupies its early-twentieth-century structure.

The church has architectural significance as a well-preserved example of a stylish church anchoring an African American community in Raleigh. Built of solid red brick masonry, it has an irregular form, a front-gable roof, and a tall tower and steeple on the northeast corner. The original 1923 building is well-preserved and retains much is its original features on the exterior, including its pointed-arch, stained glass windows, doorways, and brick-framed sign.

Photo by Capital City Camera Club
courtesy of Preservation North Carolina

520 Method Road
Gothic Revival



Local/National Designations
Raleigh Historic Landmark


This entry is about Historic Resources in Raleigh. Initial information provided by the Raleigh Historic Development Commission. You can find more entries about Raleigh's historic resources here