Innovate Raleigh Summit, September 10, 2014

Breakout Session #1: The Underbelly of Entrepreneurship

Moderator: Christian Holljes, NCSU College of Design 


✦ What does risk look like?

• Fear of the unknown

‣ Lack of support and resources

‣ Feeling alone

• Risk looks different at different stages of career and life

• Risk for risk’s sake is not good, but a calculated risk can be a great teacher and learning


• Risk can be a positive thing that promotes opportunity, potential, passion, and breaking

traditions, and growth

• Risk and failure doesn’t have to be the end

• Forging through risk helps bolster confidence

‣ The more you fail the more you learn


✦ How do we make Raleigh a climate that celebrates risk?

• FailCON Raleigh

• Make it an enthralling community that celebrates entrepreneurship

‣ Focus on our strengths as a city

- Esse Quam Videri

• Public/private collaboration to mitigate risk

‣ Provide safety nets like pooled healthcare

• Create a one-stop shop for all available resources

‣ Derrick’s list

• Use church pulpit to inspire and enthrall