The main idea
- App that encourages people to use greenways.
Add bus stops as points of interest
- Incorporate cycling data (not just data for runners/walkers)
- Capturing data about which Greenways are popular for information loop
- How busy it is that day?
- Forum to be able to post ideas about improving Greenway and allow people to vote on it
- Ways navigation to make it more social and tagging for improvement
- Repair or other warnings gov delivery already does some of this could we integrate existing
- Terminals at most popular Greenway entrances
- Track calories burned
- integrate with SeeClickFix
- QR codes or touchscreens at entrance. click when you start, click when you end, so you don't waste your battery. it knows the route, so it can tell you calories burned, pace, etc, without draining your battery
- report issues - integrate with SeeClickFix
- check in on trails - see which ones are the most used
- social integration - see who else is on the trail
- weather - will it impact your run?
- "badge" if you run the full length of all of the greenways, or if you check in on all
- integrate with transit system, since CAT buses have
- "deconstructed 5k": run whatever route you want, check in at different points
- Demonstrate the value of the investment in parks. How many miles were run on the trails last week?
- Physical presence on trail: viewscreens that tell you how far you've run?
- Local businesses can sponsor: "You just ran 5 miles. Stop in at 7-Eleven and get 30 cents off a Big Gulp!"
- Are we trying to a) tell people how to get from point A to point B using the greenway, or b) tell people how to run/walk/use the greenways (use the greenway as the destination?
- Closest parking lot
- Know density of stroller/bike traffic
- Point-to-point navigation using the greenways
First Round Requirements
- Integration of GPS/ Mapping
- Integrate points of interest
- Show parking
- Show bus stops
- Integrate topography
- Check in (integration with social media and ability to see how busy a Greenway is)
- Integration of See, Click, Fix
- Commenting option about route
- Basic weather
- Repair advisories from city staff
- Ability to launch Triangle Wiki for Greenway you are on
- Presentation should demonstrate value of parks
- Presentation can mention designing app so that city could decide to install terminals (for those without smart phones)
"Parked" Requirements (maybe for later)
- Cycling specific data
- Weather
- Fitness tracker
- Badges (rewards)
- Business sponsorship
- RSS feed on city page linked and tagged Greenway to allow push notification to app.
Vision/ Benchmarks for Sunday's Working Sessions
- Show bus stops
- Integrate topography
- Check in (integration with social media and ability to see how busy a Greenway is)
- Commenting option about route
- Basic weather
- Repair advisories from city staff
- Ability to launch Triangle Wiki for Greenway you are on
- Presentation should demonstrate value of parks
- Presentation can mention designing app so that city could decide to install terminals (for those without smart phones)
- Closest parking
Actually Implemented
- Integration of GPS/ Mapping
- Integrate points of interest
- Show parking
- Integration of See, Click, Fix
- KML data for greenways already available through the city
- OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps
- iParks New York: existing similar app for NYC?
- Students of B Watson at NCSU
What can be done quickly?
- Aggregate data from other places
- Put the existing greenway KML data on Google Maps
- App that opens Google maps with the KMZ file; can be done now on the phone, but app could make this more accessible. (Copy link to the KML file, paste it into the address bar, opens automatically in Google Maps.)