This page has the Adopt-A-Shelter confirmation email that is sent to users after they register with and commit to a adopting a bus shelter.

Confirmation email

To: [$user_email_address]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Adopt-A-Shelter confirmation and next steps

Dear [$username]

Thanks for adopting [$shelter_name]. In order to complete the adoption process, we need you to read the information below and return the Adopt-A-Shelter agreement form.

Fill out the Adopt-A-Shelter agreement form with the requested shelter location your organization would like to adopt. Return the agreement form by e-mail to [email protected] or in person at 222 West Hargett Street, 4th Floor, Raleigh, NC 27601.

Once Transit Staff has received your completed form, they will provide you with trash bags, disposable gloves, and safety vests so you may begin trash removal at your adopted shelter.

Participant Duties

By participating in the Adopt-A-Shelter Program, participants agree to adopt a bus shelter for a minimum of one year. Participants also agrees to maintain the adopted shelter area by being responsible for the following:

  1. Remove trash around the shelter and bus stop area.
  2. Report shelter damage or special maintenance needs to Transit Staff.
  3. Report any signs of graffiti at the shelter area to Transit Staff.
  4. Report any signs of criminal behavior and/or suspicious packages in or around the shelter area to Raleigh Police.

For More Information

Send inquires to [email protected] and list "Adopt-A-Shelter" as the subject.