The Providence Athenaeum is an independent, member-supported library in the East Side of Providence. In addition to its role as a circulating library and a non-circulating special collections for researchers, the Athenaeum offers a wide variety of cultural programing for both children and adults. One of its most well-known offerings is its weekly salons featuring speakers on  the arts,  science, history, and more.  For more information on library, see their official website


The Athenaeum dates its origins to two earlier libraries: the Providence Library Company (est. 1753) and the Providence Athenaeum (est. 1831). "The Athenaeum" (est. 1836) was renamed "The Providence Athenaeum" in 1850. Its current location is a  Greek Revival building dates to 1838. For more information on the its history, see Jane Lancaster's Inquire Within: A Social History of the Providence Athenaeum Since 1753 (Providence: Providence Athenaeum, 2003).