Against Graceband also known as "AG", Against Grace provides a unique blend of alternative, pop, and rock.

AG delivers non-stop energy with their new and undoubtedly pop rock EP, "Shout It Out"!

expression 词语;表示表达midwestern 中西部的.有中西部特性的 African adj 非洲的:非洲人的;非洲语言的 play a part ( in )扮演个角色:参与lightning 闪电straight 街区cab出租车journal日记;杂志.定期刊物transport运送.运输Prefer更喜欢选择某事物而不选择其他事物disadvantage不利条件;不便之处fare费用route人路线.路途flow 流动.流出 n 流动.流量ever since 从那以后persuade说服.劝说cycle骑自行车graduate 毕业 n 大学毕业生finally最后.终于schedule进度表fond心喜爱的.慈爱的宠爱的be fond of 喜爱;喜欢short coming缺点stubborn顽固的;固执的organize 组织,成立care about 关心;忧虑;detail 细节;详情determine讨决定;确定;下定决心change one’s mind改变主意journey 旅行.旅程altitude 海拔高度.高处make up one’s mind 下决心.决定give in 投降.屈服.让步valley谷流域waterfall 瀑布Pace缓漫而行.踱步入一步.速度;步调 bend弯,拐角meander蜿蜒缓慢流动飞attitude.看法forecast预测;预报parcel小包;包裹insurance 保险wool羊毛.毛织as usual 照常reliable可信赖的.可靠的pillow 枕头;枕垫midnight 午夜;子夜at mdnhigit 在午夜flame火焰.光芒beneath 在…下面temple 庙宇寺庙cave 洞穴.地窖earthquake地薄雾浓云愁永昼震right away 立刻马上well井burst爆裂;爆发 突然破裂,爆发million 百万event事件;大事as if 仿佛.好像at an end 结束;终结nation民族.国家国民canal 运河.水道steam 蒸汽.水汽dirt污垢;泥土ruin 废墟.毁灭.毁灭.使破产in ruins 严重受损破败不堪suffering苦难.痛苦extreme极度的injure /损害.伤害survivor幸存者.生还者;残存物destroy 破坏;毁坏.消灭brick砖.砖块dam水坝.堰堤track轨道.足迹.痕迹useless无用的.无效的.无益的shock(使)震凉震动n休克打击rescue 援救:营救trap陷入困境 n 陷阱;困境electricity 电,电流;电学disaster 灾难.灾祸dig out 掘出.发现bury埋葬;掩埋.隐藏mine矿.矿山矿井miner矿工shelter掩蔽.掩蔽处避身处a(great)number of许多.大量的title标题;头衔.资格damage损失损害frighten使惊吓;吓唬frightened受惊的.受恐吓的frightening心令人恐俱的congratulation 祝贺.(复数)Judge裁判员.法官以断定;判断;判决sincerely真诚地.真挚地express表示.表达 快车;速递outline 要点;大纲.轮廓headline报刊的大字标题quality质量:品质;胜质active 积极的.活跃的generous 慷慨的大方的easygoing 随和的.温和宽容的self 自我自身selfish自私的selfless无私的.忘我的devote献身.专心于republic 共和国.共和政体principle法则.原则;原理nation民族主义国家主义peaceful和平的.平静的.安宁的giant巨大的.庞大的mankind人类layer律师guidance指导.领佳节又重阳导legal法律的.依照法律的fee费(会费、学费等)passbook 南非共和国有色人种的身份证out of work 失业helpful有希望的league同盟;联双.联合会youth青年团stage舞台阶段;时期vote 投票;选举儿投票选票;表决attack进攻;攻击;抨击violence暴力;暴行as a matter of fact 事实blow up使充气;爆炸equal 相等的.平等的in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑的处境中willing乐意的.自愿的unfair不公正的.不公平的turn to 求助于;致力于release释放;发行lose heart 丧失勇气或信心escape逃脱,逃走泄露blanket毛毯.毯子educate教育educated受过教育的.有教养的come to power 当权;上台beg 请求;乞求relative亲戚亲属terror恐怖 恐怖时期 恐怖活动cruelty残忍残酷reward报酬;奖金酬劳.奖赏set up 建立sentence 判决,宣判president总统;会长;校长;行有暗香盈袖长opinion 意见 看法 主张cultural文化的relic遗物.遗迹;纪念物rare 稀罕的;稀有的,珍贵的valuable 贵重的 有价值的survive 幸免;幸存 生还vase 花瓶.瓶dynasty 朝代 王朝in search of 寻找amaze 吃惊,惊讶amazing令人吃惊的select 挑选;选择honey 蜜.蜂蜜design设计.图案.构思 vt 设计计划.构思fancy奇特的.异样的 想象;设想,爱好style风格.风度.类型decorate装饰.装修jewel 珠宝.宝石artist艺术家belong属于.为的一员belong to 属于in return 作为报答.回报troop群.组.军队reception 接待,招待会.接收at war 处于交战状态remove移动;搬开less than 少于wooden 木制的doubt怀疑.疑惑 vt 怀疑不信mystery 神秘.神秘的事物former以前的.从前的worth值得的,相当于…的价值.价值.作用值钱的rebuild重建local本地的;当地的apart分离地,分别地take apart 拆开painting绘画;画castle城堡trial审判.审讯,试验evidence 根据,证据explode爆炸entrance 入口sailor水手;海员;船员sink 下沉;沉下maid少女.女仆Berlin柏林(德国首都)Think highly of 看重;器重informal非正式的debate争论;辩论ancient adj 古代的.古老的compete vi 比赛竞争competitor n 竞争者take part in 参加;参与medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章stand for 代表:象征,表示mascot n 吉祥物Greece希腊Greek 希腊人的;希腊语的 n 希腊人;希腊语 magical adj 巫术的.魔术的.有魔力的volunteer志愿者.志愿兵.志愿的,义务的homeland 祖国;本国regular adj 规则的.定期的.常规的basis 基础,根据athlete n 运动员;运动选手admit容许.承认.接纳slave 奴隶nowadays 现今.现在gymnastics 体操;体能训练athletics 体育运动.竞技stadium (露天大型)体育场gymnasium ( gym ) 体育馆、健身房as well 也;又.还host 做东;主办;招待 n 主人responsibility n 责任.职责olive 橄榄树.橄榄叶;橄榄枝;橄榄色wreath 花圈、花冠、圈状物卿replace 取代替换.代替motto 座右铭;格言;警句swift 快的.迅速的similarity 相像性:相似点Athens 雅典(希腊首都)charge 收费.控诉.费用.主管in charge主管 看管physical adj 物理的.身体的poster 海报,招贴advertise 做广告.登广告princess 公主glory 光荣.荣誉bargain 讨价还价.讲条件.便宜货prince王子hopeless 心没有希望的;绝望的foolish adj 愚蠢的,傻的goddess 女神pain 疼痛.痛苦one after another 陆续地.一个接一个地deserve 应受.值得striker (足球的)前锋abacus n 算盘calculate n 计算器PC( = personal comPuter )个人电脑,个人计算laptop 手提电脑PDA ( personal digital assistant )掌上电脑 个人数码助理analytical adj 分析的calculate计算universal adj 普遍的.通用的.宇宙的simplify 简化sum 总数.算术题.金额operator (电脑)操作员;接线员logical 逻辑的;合情理的logically 逻辑上;合逻辑地.有条理地technology工艺.科技.技术technological adj 科技的revolution革莫道不消魂命artificial 人造的.假的intelligence 智力:聪明智能intelligence adj 智能的:聪明的solve 解决.解答mathematical数学的from … on 从时起reality 真实.事实.现实designer 设计师personal 私人的.个人的.亲自的personally 就个人而言,亲自tube 管;管子;电子管transistor 碎片;芯片as a result 结果total adj 总的:整个的 n 总数.合计so … that … 如此.以致于network网络;网状物web 网application 应用:用途;申请finance金融;财经mobile 可移动的.机动的rocket 火箭explore 探索.探侧.探究Mars火星Anyhow (也作 anyway )无论如何.即使如此 goal 目标.目的;球门;(进球)得分happiness 幸福;快乐human rare人类supporting adj 支持的,支撑的download 下载programmer 程序员;程序师virus病毒android 机器人signal发信号 信号teammate同伴;伙伴in away 在某种程度上coach 教练arise出现;发生with the help of 在的帮助下electronic adj 电子的appearance 外观.外貌;出现character 胜格.特点mop 拖把deal with 处理watch over 看守,监视naughty 顽皮的,淘气的niece 侄女spoil 损坏wildlife 野生动植物protection 保护habitat 栖息地threaten 恐吓decrease 减少die out 灭绝loss 损失reserve 保护区hunt 打猎zone 地域 地带in peace 和平地species 种类 物种carpet 地毯respond 回答 相应distant 远的 远处的fur 毛皮 毛 软毛antelope 羚羊relief (痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除in relief 如释重负,松了口气laughter 笑 笑声burst into laughter 突然笑起来mercy 仁慈certain 确定的,某一,一定importance 重要(性)rub 擦 摩擦protect…from 保护…不受…(危害)mosquito 蚊子millipede 千足虫insect 昆虫contain 包含 容纳 容忍powerful 强大的 有力的affect 影响 感动 侵袭attention 注意 关注 注意力pay attention to 注意appreciate 鉴赏 感激 意识到succeed 成功secure 安全的income 收入employ 雇佣 利用harm 损害 危害bite 叮,咬,刺痛extinction 灭绝 消亡dinosaur 恐龙come into being 形成,产生inspect 检查 视察unexpected 没料到的 意外的incident 事件 事变dust 灰尘,尘土according to 按照,根据…所说fierce 凶猛的,猛烈的so that 以致于 结果roll 滚动 摇摆orchestra 管弦乐队rap 说唱乐folk 民间的jazz 爵士乐choral 合唱队的musician 音乐家dream of 梦见 梦想pretend 假装,假扮to be honest 说实在的,说实话attach 系上 附加 连接attach to 认为有form 组成.形成构成fame名声 名望passer-by 过路人.行人earn赚;挣得;获得extra 额外的 外力perform表演;履行;执行pub酒馆 酒吧cash 现金in cash 用现金;有现钱studio工作室.演播室millionaire 百万富翁;富豪play jokes on 戏弄actor 男演员;行动者rely依赖.依靠rely on 依赖 依靠broadcast 播;播放humorous 幽默的.诙谐的familiar熟悉的;常见的;亲近的be /get familiar with 熟悉 与…熟悉起来or so 大约break up 碎;分佳节又重阳裂;解体addition吸引人的、有吸引力的sort out 分类excitement 兴奋.刺激dip浸;蘸lily百合花brief 简短的;简要的 n 摘要;大纲devotion投人;热爱sensitive v / adj 敏感的;易受伤害的.灵敏的 painful adj 痛苦的 疼痛的above all 最重要首先


Against Grace's debut album, "Monroe", was produced by Rich Stine (Fighting Gravity, Elevator to Space, Dakota Ring) and recorded at Low Watt Studios (Raleigh, NC). Released September 2008.

Against Grace released their second CD - an EP called "Shout It Out" on June 25, 2010 and drew a crowd of 700+ to Richmond's own National Theatre.

"Shout It Out" was produced and Engineered by - Rich Stine (Fighting Gravity) Track 1 Mixed by Paul David Hager (Goo Goo Dolls, Our Lady Peace, Jonas Brothers)Tracks 2, 3, & 4 Mixed by Mitch Easter (REM, WILCO) Mastered by Greg Calbi (Kings of Leon, U2, The Strokes, John Mayer, MGMT) Since the release of "Shout It Out" Against Grace has sold 750 + copies.

November 2010 marked the release of the single "Monday", a collaboration with local Petersburg hip hop act, Doethepaperboy. The B side to the disk is a remix of the hit song "Radio" from the "Monroe" LP. The remix was courtesy of Freeze Pop. Against Grace and Doethepaperboy co-headlined the National to a crowd of 800. 750 copies of "Monday" were sold the day of it's release. Against Grace also gave away an autographed guitar donated by Richmond's own, Guitar Works, as a promotion and an incentive to meet new fans.

"Monday" was Produced and Engineered by - Rich Stine (Fighting Gravity) Mixed by Mitch Easter (REM, WILCO) Mastered by Greg Calbi (Kings of Leon, U2, The Strokes, John Mayer, MGMT) "Radio Remix" was Produced and Engineered by - Rich Stine (Fighting Gravity) Mixed by Freeze Pop Mastered by Freeze Pop

Since the release of "Shout It Out" EP in June 2010 and the "Monday" single in November 2010, Against Grace has sold 1,500 copies of both efforts and another 1,000+ hard copies and digital copies of "Monroe" that can be added to this number.

Band Members

  • Wes Tatum: lead vocals/guitar
  • Tyler Bland: lead guitar
  • Johnny Hunter III: drums/backup vocals
  • Kelvin Stronge: bass

Former Members

  • Bentley Cobb: drums
  • Dave Cobaugh: keys

External Links