Austin Theophilus Foster

Notes de recherche

The Eastern Townships Gazetteer and General Business Directory, 1867

p. 68

  • Foster, A. T., boot and shoes manufacturer.

S.H.S. Collection

  • STANSTEAD J – STEVENS. F3T2. Stanstead Journal, file 2 of 2. Brochure rédigée par Penny Farfan, « The Old Journal Building », Rock Island, Heritage Technologies, 1986, 16 p.
    • Document sur l’histoire du Stanstead Journal, de ses dirigeants et des bâtisses qui l’ont abrité.
      • Au sujet du commerce de Charles Pierce : "In 1859-60, having sold his shop and had it moved across the street, Charles Pierce built a dam across the Tomifobia River, installed a water wheel, and put up a brand new factory. [...] Charles Pierce did not have long to enjoy the fruits of his labor. On October 19, 1865, just two years after his house had been completed, he died at the age of forty-seven. He had never married. [...] The boot and shoe factory was sold to Austin T. Foster [...]".

The Eastern Townships Business and Farmer's Directory, 1892

p. 463

  • Foster Austin T, (A T Foster & Co)

Stanstead Journal

  • « Pioneer Life on the Frontier », Feb 14, 1952 (biographical sketches)
    • Stephen Foster: Not in business in Rock Island but in Derby in “Foster & Langdon” but in Rock Island for “Foster & Spalding” (15 y.). He retired in 1844.
    • Levi Spalding: Worked with S. Foster and after 1844 he worked with A. T. Foster and C. B. Burnham in “Foster, Spalding & Co.” The other 2 eventually left
    • Also owner of a grist mill and real estates.
    • Austin T. Foster: Came in 1838, worked with Spalding
      • Moved his business into the Mellon Store
      • 1850: partnership with Charles V. Morrill in 1850 (Foster & Morrill for 3 y.)
      • 1860: partnership with David Wilke
      • Sold his interests to William Jondro
    • 1865: bought the building, machinery and stock belonging to the estate of Charles Pierce.
    • Became a manufacturer of boots and shoes
    • 1872: partnership with A. J. Gordon and Charles P. Seaver
      • Foster, Gordon & Seaver (Gordon retired 3 y. later)
    • 1878-1883: Foster & Wilcox
    • Sold machinery to a Québec firm and the building to Arthur Frégeau
  • Nov. 15, 1979: Journal files from March 23, 1893: “Rock Island boot and shoe industry”
    • A tour of A. T. Foster and Co. building
  • Vol. IX, Nº28, 25 mai 1854
    • A.T . FOSTER
    • Magasin général à Rock Island et Derby Line .

Forests and clearings (original publishing July 15, 1874)

  • Charles Pierce:
    • From 1834 to 1840, but little change occurred in the settlement. Willard Wood, Benjamin Wyman, and others were actively engaged in business and acquired property. Charles Pierce, and enterprising mechanic, built extensively, and laid the foundation for a large business in the manufacture of boots and shoes. He died suddenly and the business passed into the hands of Austin Foster. (p. 34-35)

The Eastern Township Business & Farmer’s Directory for 1888-89

p. 147

  • Foster A T, of A T Foster & Co

The Eastern Townships Gazetteer & Directory for the Years 1875-76

p. 151


  • Greffes de notaires, District judiciaire de Saint-François, CN501, S23 Charles Anderson Richardson.
    • Acte : # 4070
    • Date : 11 avril 1848
    • Deed of Sale by Harris Way, Clothier of the Township of Stanstead, to Austin Theophilus Foster, Trader of the same place.
      • Résumé : Vente d’un partie du lot no 1 du 9e rang du Canton de Stanstead : « …being on the West side of the King’s highway […] commencing at the South Corner of the parcel of land belonging to Messieurs Levi Spalding and Stephen Foster Junior, and whereon a Store is erected now occupied by Spalding, Foster and Company, on the said highway, thence running Westerly along the South line of the said Spalding and Foster lane and other land, to a certain point where it strikes the rear of the parcel of land hereby conveyed, at the distance of thirty feet West of the Store thereon erected, and lately occupied by one Joseph C. Chase, and part of which is now occupied by one Albert G. Starrett, thence on a Straight line running South so as to include the land whereon the Barn is erected, till it strikes the road leading from the said highway to the Grist Mill, thence Easterly along the said Mill Road, to the highway above mentioned, thence North along the said highway to the place of beginning, and containing about one quarter of an acre of land more or less […] with the said Store and Barn thereon […] ». La vente est conclue pour la somme de 375 pounds.
  • Greffes de notaires, District judiciaire de Saint-François, CN501, S23 Charles Anderson Richardson.
    • Acte : # 8412
    • Date : 15 mars 1864
    • Deed of Sale by Austin T. Foster, Trader of the Town of Derby (Vt.) and his wife, Sarah H. Gilman, to David Wilkey and William Jondro, Trader of the Township of Stanstead.
      • Résumé : Vente d’une partie du lot no 1 du 9e rang du Canton de Stanstead : « …lying on the West side of the highway leading from Derby Line to Stanstead Plain […] commencing at the South East corner of the parcel of land heretofore belonging to Messieurs Stephen Foster and Levi Spalding now owned by the said Levi Spalding and whereon there is a Store erected now occupied by William Spalding, thence running Westerly along the South side of the said Levi Spalding said piece of land and other land to a certain point where it strikes the rear of the parcel of land hereby conveyed or intended so to be at the distance of thirty feet West of the Store as originally built thereon and now occupied by the said purchasers, thence on a straight line extending South to the North West corner of a piece of land also part of said lot, which the said Vendor heretofore sold to one Ozro Morrill, and which is now owned and occupied by one A. A. Barry, thence Easterly along the line dividing the land hereby sold from the land of the said A. A. Barry to the said highway thence North along the said highway to the place of beginning, meaning hereby to convey the Northerly portion of that part of the said Lot which the said Vendor heretofore acquired from one Harris Way […] ». Le lot est vendu pour la somme de 1 700 dollars. [Achat du terrain par Foster, voir acte # 4070] [Achat qui marque le début de la firme Wilkey & Jondro ????]
  • Greffes de notaires, District judiciaire de Saint-François, CN501, S23 Charles Anderson Richardson.
    • Acte : # 9595
    • Date : 17 octobre 1868
    • Deed of Sale by Ozro Morrill, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer of the Township of Stanstead, to Austin T. Foster, Trader of the Town of Derby (Vt.).
      • Résumé : Vente d’une partie du lot no 1 du 9e rang du Canton de Stanstead, incluant : « …the full equal and undivided one half of that certain tract or parcel of land […] commencing at the South East corner of the land formerly belonging to one Flavien Paquette by him purchased from Asa Gaylord and now owned by Henry E. Foster, thence running South along the West side of the Street leading from Rock Island so called to Derby Line, the distance of thirty one feet, thence West thirty eight feet, thence North the distance of thirty one feet to the South side of the line of the said Henry E. Foster’s said piece of land, thence East along the line last above mentioned thirty eight feet to the said South East corner […] or place of beginning. With the full equal and undivided one half of the Buildings and Improvements thereon erected and made […] ». Le lot est vendu pour la somme de 600 dollars.
  • Greffes de notaires, District judiciaire de Saint-François, CN501, S23 Charles Anderson Richardson.
    • Acte : # 12049
    • Date : 10 janvier 1881
    • Deed of Sale by John Chrétien, Cordwainer of the Township of Stanstead, to Austin T. Foster, Trader of the Town of Derby (Vt.).
      • Résumé : Vente de deux parcelles du lot no 1 du 9e rang du Canton de Stanstead : « …beginning at a stake and stone boundary with broken window glass underneath [?], planted on the East side of the highway leading from Stanstead Plain to Derby Line, about fifty feet South of the Barn formerly erected by George W. Brooks, thence running Northerly along said highway thirty two feet, thence Easterly at right angles with said highway to the brink of the Mill pond or Brook, thence Southerly parallel with the said highway thirty two feet, and thence Westerly at right angles with the last mentioned line to the place of beginning […] with a Dwelling house thereon erected and being the same which Albert G. Starrett acquired from the late John G. Gilman […] Also another piece of the same Lot adjoining and lying immediately North of the piece of firstly described […] ». Les terrains sont vendus pour la somme de 800 dollars.

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