The Kathan Building

Notes de recherche

  • Photo disponible via : R. I. A.D. Norton Restaurant (kathan block) J.J.P. G.N. 0184 et R.I. A.D. Norton Restaurant (kathan block) J.J.P. G.N. 0183
  • Stanstead Journal, Dec. 1, 1938: “Kathan block vacated”
    • …the Kathan building is being turned over to the Department of National Revenue.
  • Article du Stanstead Journal : « Pioneer Life on the Frontier »,14 février 1952 (biographical sketches)
    • C. H. Kathan: First mayor of Rock Island
      • Succeeded his cousin in the Mammoth store in 1865.
  • E. D.Struthers, “Custom Houses of Stanstead County”, in Customs and Excise Examiner, November 1956.

    p. 68

    • To cope with the increased traffic, the present Rock Island Customs house was built in 1929 and, as commercial traffic began to move, another well-known old store, The Kathan Store, was purchased in 1936 to make way for the present examination lot.
  • Forests and clearings (original publishing July 15, 1874)
    • Carlos F. Haskell:
      • Son of Freeman Haskell, was five years old at the time of the death of his father. His mother, a woman of energy, had trained him in business habits; and at an early age, we find him engaged in trade, first as clerk, and afterwards as principal. He was cut down in the midst of his years, but not before he had laid down the foundation of a large fortune. He built the “Mammoth Store”, was succeeded in the business by C. H. Kathan. (p. 33-34)

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