The rose garden set up for a wedding Pathways in the rose garden

3330 McKinley Blvd
1.5 Acres

McKinley Park Rose Garden is open and operated by the City of Sacramento, Department of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment. It is located in McKinley Park. The rose garden improvements are shown on the McKinley Park Rose Garden Improvements plan, and will include: an accessible walkway, new automatic irrigation system, planter curbs, a drinking fountain, a rose garden map, accessible parking spaces, and bench improvements.

The garden was created in 1929 by Frederick N. Evans, and features more than 1,000 rose bushes, tree roses, and blooming annuals. New award-winning varieties are planted in the garden each year.

This site is a favorite Sacramento park for weddings and outdoor seasonal events. For rental information call (916) 808-6060.

Also see the RoseGardenWebBanner700px.jpg for info on other local rose gardens

Information and images obtained from the City of Sacramento.