A naked list is a page that is almost nothing but a list of links to other pages. No page (with the possible exception of Explore should be a list without other content. In general, we try to write something about the subject of the list - for example, the Taxi Services page should not only list taxi services in Sacramento, but should also have some information about the general "taxi scene" in Sacramento - whether many people tend to use taxis, the cachet of using taxis instead of driving or taking the bus, etc.

Generally one sentence is not enough - a lot of naked lists begin something like this: "There are many taxi services in Sacramento." That's nice, but it's still a naked list that needs more content. Beauty Salons and Barber Shops is a good example of a page that adds a bit of character to what would otherwise be a boring list.

If you don't know about the taxi scene of Sacramento (or about whatever page you're working on), you should still create the page - having the list of taxi services is better than not having it - but if you do know, please take some time to write about the list.

You can help the Sacwiki by adding your knowledge to one of the naked lists below: