1015 20th Street
Publication dates
Every Thursday
85,018 (as of March 2005)

The Sacramento News and Review, usually just called the SNR is a free weekly publication that highlights cultural events along with local news articles and social columns. It is "tabloid", meaning it is folded like a magazine without staples. It is Sacramento's second largest newspaper. It is also available in towns around Sacramento, including Davis. The same company, Chico Community Publishing, Inc., also publishes the Chico and Reno News and Reviews.

Noteworthy highlights are the spicy personals, the annual "Best of Sacramento" issue and the Sacramento Area Music Awards (SAMMIES).

Subscriptions are available for $39 a year.


I moved to Sacramento just so I could get the N&R every Thursday morning. My favorite is Becca Costello's column, Nothing Ever Happens. Available for free at news racks all over the place. Or you can read it on-line and avoid the "spicy" adult ads in the back. Good solid independent journalism.

some argue the "spicy" ads are the funnest part of the review!

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