erik.polyak can describe himself here.


2010-06-24 19:09:32   Erik, thanks for all the great political updates, and a warm welcome to the wiki! —TomGarberson

2010-06-26 12:32:17   Great updates and images, Erik! —ScottMeehleib

2010-06-28 11:59:30   Thanks for making pages here!

A note: copying / pasting text from other websites, like the city website, is a bad idea. It's fine to use material from Davis Wiki. It's potentially a copyright violation in the city website case, though (though I haven't checked!)

In general, though, copying large blocks of text doesn't help — you could just as easily link to the page. It also hurts search rankings of wiki pages — if the search engine detects material as having been copied, it's ranked poorly.

I'd definitely recommend linking to pages rather than copying / pasting, and spending a few minutes writing re-written summaries of individuals — even if they are more incomplete. —PhilipNeustrom