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Summary Becky Johnson is a teacher and local homeless advocate. As a member of Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom, she has often be seen Downtown tabling and advocating for the homeless. She is a videographer and journalist, formerly hosting Club Cruz on Community Television,
Biography — Born in Illinois — Moved to Michigan at age 7 — Graduated from Rochester Adams HS in 1972, National Merit Scholarship Program Letter of Commendation recipient, Honors in Art, member: Varsity Debate Team — Attended University of Michigan in 1972 — Attended Oakland Community College, Oak Park, Michigan 1975-76 (studied art, nursing) — Moved to Oregon 1976 — Moved to California 1977 — First son born 1980 — Computer Learning Center certificate in Computer Programming 1981 — Daughter born 1985 — Graduated from University of California Santa Cruz 1987 — B.A. in Fine Arts — Awarded Multi-subject California preliminary teaching credential 1988 — Married Michael Torpey in Santa Cruz, Ca. in 1989 — experienced the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake on Oct 17, 1989 on Clay St. in Santa Cruz, Ca. — Second son born, 1990 — Filed for divorce 1993 — Joined Community Television 1995 — appeared on very first broadcast Jan 1 1995 — Began producing "Bathrobespierre's Broadsides: Civil Rights for the Poor" 1996 on Free Radio Santa Cruz — Began writing for "Street Spirit" — a homeless newspaper underwritten by the American Friends Service Committee — One of three proponents for "The Initiative to Repeal the Sleeping Ban" — Phone records subpoenaed by the FCC 1998 — Divorce finalized December 1999 — Attended the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles 2000 —was clubbed by the LAPD — One of the early contributors to Santa Cruz Indymedia during its founding—Fall 2000 — Wrote first article on the Mideast called "Did you know that...?" 8 days before 9/11 — Arrested for drawing with sidewalk chalk in the gutter in Downtown Santa Cruz 2002- 8 months later, all charges dropped — Sued the LAPD in Federal Court and won a settlement for the Aug 2000 Clubbing attack in front of the DNC — produced 308 episodes of Club Cruz on Community Television which aired locally — Appeared on the National Homelessness Marathon in Fresno, Ca. 2007 — Editor and author of BLOG Becky Johnson: One Woman Talking March 2009 — present
Achievements — Co-host of Community Perspectives 1995 on Community Television of Santa Cruz County — Won a settlement from the LAPD for being clubbed with a police baton at the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles in 2000 — Wrote for Street Spirit, a publication of the American Friends Service Committee from 1996 - 2005 — Produced Bathrobespierre's Broadsides: Civil Rights for the Poor from 1996 - 2006 on Free Radio Santa Cruz hosted by Robert Norse — Executive Producer of Club Cruz on Community Television of Santa Cruz County 1996 — present
Quotes "A toxic dose of marijuana is a bale, large enough, so that when it's dropped on your head, breaks your neck."