Flexi Dollars ("flexies") are units of currency used by UCSC Dining Services as part of student meal plans. Most meal plans come with about 50 flexies per quarter. They are generally equal in value to regular US dollars, but at the dining halls, if you pay for a meal with your flexies (as opposed to US dollars) you get a 10% discount.

Flexies can be used at most retail establishments on campus. Places that do NOT accept flexies are the Express Store, Xpressit!, the Wellness Center and the Baytree Bookstore.

If you have a meal plan that gives you a set number of meals per quarter (usually 55 or 75 meals), each meal has a flexi dollar conversion value of $8 if you choose to spend it at on-campus dining establishments other than the dining halls.

Flexies carry over quarter-to-quarter (meaning, if you have 5 flexies in your account at the end of a quarter, that amount will be added to whatever amount you have been alloted for the following quarter). If you graduate or leave school, you can "cash out" your flexies at the Registrar's office. It should also be noted that even though flexies "roll over" from quarter to quarter, guest meals and 55/75 meal plan meals expire at the end of each quarter. Be sure to use them up before the quarter ends.

Also, visit the dining services website