Simas Lake. Photo:2010. Latitude: 36.9977 Longitude: -121.7391 Elevation: 394 ft (120 m)

Simas Lake is on private property and parts can be seen from the fenced property line. All you will see is some muddy water. It is shallow, filled with vegetation and large enough to appear on maps.

History The name origin is unknown. Simas is not uncommon of a surname, but no record has been found to suggest why it got the name.

Businesses A few farms, and a plant nursery. No services or retail for miles. Nearest town is Watsonville.

Transportation No bus service to this area.

Maps :Google topographic of Simas Lake

The U.S. Geological Survey has a list of place names that people use to make lists of lakes, cities, etc. You can often find such results on the internet. By doing a search of obscure locations, like Simas Lake, you can find a listing like: Simas Lake Class: Lake City: Watsonville East County: Santa Cruz State: CA Elevation: 120 meters

"Watsonville East" is not a town, but the name of the USGS map that shows the location. Such a listing might also have other information that is misrepresented. One site claims Simas Lake is 3.4 miles north of Interlaken, CA, which is a Census Designated Place and not an actual town.  Some sites consider any lake a possible area for fishing.  Thus Simas Lake might appear as a fishing spot.  There are some large mouth bass in the lake, however, the lake is not open to the public.


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2010-02-22 20:11:35   I have found Simas Lake on an on-line site for fishing. There is no fishing at Simas Lake. —Harlan