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Locations Phone(831) Hours
6006 La Madrona Dr, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 430-9112 Mon-Fri: 5:30am-6pm Sat/Sun: 6am-5pm
9105 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA 95003 684-2750 Mon-Fri: 6am-7pm Sat/Sun: 7am-7pm
Surf City Coffee on Facebook
Daniel and Suzanne McCourt, David Swanson
1993 - Aptos location
Payment Method
(Cash, check, credit cards, other?)
(Yes/No, extra cost/included with purchase?)
  • Surf City Coffee Company is employee owned
  • Surf City Coffee Co. is a USDA certified organic coffee roaster licensed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture and by the California Certified Organic Farmers Association (CCOF)
  • There is also a Surf City Coffee location in Moss Landing

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