College 8
- UCSC CLEI 61 and UCSC CLEI 161 Sustainable Living (2 and 5 units)
College 10
- UCSC CLTE 91 Nuclear Policy (1 credit)
Community Studies
Environmental Studies
- UCSC ENVS 91F and 191F Seminar in Community and Agroecology (2 units)
Feminist Studies
- UCSC FMST 01 Introduction to Feminist Studies. Though women's studies and feminist studies courses are available at many colleges and universities, the Intro to Feminisms at UCSC provides a curriculum and opportunities beyond the standard. First of all, the course is the largest (and one of the most popular) introductory courses on women's/feminist studies in the nation, and is one of the most popular classes on campus. Second of all, the instructor, Bettina Aptheker, is a well-known free-speech activist, stemming from the time she and a handful of other students spearheaded the Berkeley free speech movement. Her background as an activist, former member of the communist party, collaborator with other prominent individuals, lesbian, survivor of sexual abuse/molestation, and as a mother give her a diversified perspective on women and gender, and is reflected in the course materials. Third, in addition to academic work, much of the material is supplemented with poetry and creative writing authored by women. Fourth, after taking the course, many students go on to TA for the course, leading their own discussion sections that specialize on a topic of the individual student's choosing. Bettina has been teaching the course for the last 30 year, and has made it such an engaging, rewarding and enjoyable experience that students actually applaud after each lecture.
Kresge College
Kresge-62 - Transformative Action - Instructor: Christine King
- Introduces key skills for effective transformation agents including: creativity and innovation; transformative communication; servant leadership; optimism and resilience, risk taking, initiative; luck; failure; and relationship building. Students create their own portfolio and commit to weekly civic engagement projects. Enrollment limited to 75. (General Education Code(s): PR-S.)
Kresge-63 - Kresge Garden Co-op - Instructor: David Shaw
- Offers hands-on gardening skills within a student-run space. Focuses on developing a strong cooperative garden on campus, with special attention to the documentation of this process. Enrollment by instructor approval through application (available in the Kresge College office). Enrollment limited to college members. Enrollment limited to 24. May be repeated for credit.
Kresge-64 - Tools for World Changers - Instructor: David Shaw
- Develops life skills that support you and help you support others. Implement effective methods for personal productivity (managing your to-dos, calendar, and inbox), interpersonal communication, meeting facilitation, event hosting, collaboration, and regenerative community design.
Kresge-67 - Transformative Justice Seminar - Instructor: Christine King
- Examines the principles and processes of restorative justice juxtaposed to current practices in the judicial and educational systems of contemporary society. Students study leading restorative justice practices and their implication for individual and community transformation. This seminar is a continuation of the concepts taught in course 62, Transformative Action. Enrollment by instructor consent. Priority given to students who have taken course 62. Enrollment restricted to frosh, sophomores, and juniors. Enrollment limited to 25.
Kresge-68 - Transformative Communication - Instructor: Christine King
- Based on Nonviolent Communication (NVC), this experiential course offers skills in intra- and inter-personal conflict transformation by aligning with core values; understanding what motivates self and others; cultivating compassion, even under difficult circumstances; and bringing greater peace into our world. Enrollment restricted to frosh, sophomores, and juniors by permission of instructor. Priority given to students enrolled in course 67, Transformative Justice. Enrollment limited to 25.
Kresge-72 & Kresge-172 - Collaborative Learning for The Great Turning and Nature Connection - Instructor: David Shaw
- Collaborative learning in service of transitioning from industrial growth society to a life-sustaining society. Students deepen their connection with nature, themselves, and community through guest lectures, intergenerational dialogue to discover collective and wise action, and engagement with long-term projects. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.)
Kresge-73 & Kresge-173 - Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Communities and Reclaiming the Commons - Instructor: David Shaw
- Collaborative learning in service of building thriving, just, and sustainable communities locally and globally. Learn about Ecovillages and reclaiming the commons while also discovering collective and wise action through guest lectures, intergenerational dialogue, and engagement with long-term projects. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.)
Kresge-74 & Kresge-174 - Collaborative Learning for Permaculture Skills and Transition Towns - Instructor: David Shaw
- Collaborative learning in service of fostering community resilience in response to peak oil. Practice hands-on skills with permaculture and transition towns while also discovering collective and wise action through guest lectures, intergenerational dialogue, and engagement with long-term projects. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.)
Kresge-161 - Permaculture & Whole Systems Design - Instructor: David Shaw
- Focuses on concepts, principles, and practices of permaculture and whole systems design. Permaculture education is transdisciplinary and provides practical experience with design, ecological horticulture, regional planning, natural building, architecture, appropriate technology, aquaponics, animal husbandry, ecopsychology, and community resilience. Enrollment by application. Priority given to Kresge College students. Enrollment limited to 23. May be repeated for credit.
- UCSC POLI 179 The Atomic Enterprise
- UCSC POLI 199F UC and the Bomb (2 units)