Fighting for the ball in Dolores
Some lovely chaps gather 'round to play this glorious game in Dolores Park on Thursday and Saturday evenings. Check Facebook to see if the group has numbers, 6 are needed for a game, and if you're in, make a post day-of or reply with a gif to somebody else's! Follow their Facebook or Instagram pages for the latest updates.
All levels are welcome, though it's a good idea to show up early if you're an absolute beginner to warm up with some drills with somebody experienced.
If you don't have a bike, somebody will probably let you borrow theirs. If you have a single speed bike that can take a beating and that has a brake on your non dominant hand side that'll do (your dominant hand will be holding a mallet).
Their Instagram bio as of 2021:
We play #bikepolo at Dolores Park Thursdays and Saturdays 6pm til 10pm. New players welcome! #bicipolo #sfbikepolo
A description of the sport:
A most noble tradition invented in Ireland 117 years ago! Mallets and balls provided. Scorekeeping forbidden. Everyone is welcome. Bring your refreshments and your bike — anything that can take a couple bumps, wider tires are easier than skinny, fixed-gear is good, drop handlebars are not.