This entry refers to a departed business — a business that has closed or left town. All information here is for historical reference only.


Cafe Gratitude in The Sunset (2007).

Mission location   Sunset location
2400 Harrison Street , at 20th Street   1336 Ninth Avenue , at Irving Street
Hours   Hours
Closed   Closed
Phone   Phone
(415) 824-4652   (415) 665-0335
Website   Established
    (Date, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD)
Matthew and Terces Engelhart
(Date, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD)
Payment Method
Cash or Credit (Visa, Mastercard)

Cafe Gratitude is a chain of raw vegan restaurants that has closed its two San Francisco locations, although a spinoff (Gracias Madre) is still in town. Its dishes and drinks, all produced and served below cooking temperatures, had morale-boosting names such as "I Am Thrilled" (cinnamon bun), "I Am Sensational" (pesto pizza) and "I Am Dazzling" (Caesar salad). You had to order them with their menu-listed names! They had a question of the day that they ask your table (e.g. "What do you love most about the person to your left?")

The restaurant sometimes hosted workshops and other events.