The Columbus United Cooperative is a housing cooperative located at 55 Columbus Avenue at the edge of Chinatown.  The building contains 21 units, and was the first project of the Community Land Trust.  According to the Land Trust:

In 2005, the San Francisco Community Land Trust was approached about working with the tenants of the building, mostly low- and very low-income Chinese-American families who were fighting to save their homes from demolition.  With the help of Asian Law Caucus and Chinatown Community Development Center, the tenants organized to fight the eviction. Through an extensive process of community collaboration, we secured public and private financing to purchase the building and worked with the residents and community partners to rehabilitate the building and complete the coop conversion. With support and direction from the SFCLT, the tenants formed a housing cooperative. Former tenants are now back in the building, and SFCLT and Coop worked together to select new qualified Coop members for several vacant units.


See also