Fell Street is a major one-way street that runs from Market Street to Stanyan Street, though it actually runs one-way in opposite directions at each end!
The most important section takes traffic westward from Gough Street and Octavia Boulevard, where cars come off of a spur of the 101, all the way to Golden Gate Park. Fell is on the north side of The Panhandle which makes it an enjoyable drive, too. It's an excellent way to drive from the freeways and the east side of the city to Haight Ashbury, Golden Gate Park, and the northern end of The Sunset — if you drive the speed limit of 30 miles per hour, you will get through every stoplight without stopping. The reverse trip can be made on Oak Street.
From Franklin Street to Market, Fell travels eastward. Fell and Polk both merge onto 10th Street as they cross Market. Between Franklin and Gough, Fell is actually a two way street.
Bicyclists frequently use part of Fell Street for The Wiggle, an very flat way across town.
Though there are crappy photos on Google Maps street view.