Have you fallen down the rabbit hole yet?
Here are some suggested things to work on. Please add!
- Work on the tagging scheme for housing crisis-related articles. We currently have "housing", "gentrification", "housing crisis", etc.
- Create a community resources portal. Oakland Wiki has a directory that could give you some ideas.
Some random ideas for later:
- Research a building or add some history info! This page has lots of advice about how to dig up old information and beautiful old photos from public archives.
- http://burritojustice.com/la-lengua/
- more gentrification stuff: ...information about ellis act and other policies, protests, organizing, etc.
tech culture?
Tons more on tech buses:
- league of pissed off voters says they may sue muni - https://medium.com/p/9765445ad685
- latest vote by BoS - 8-2 to not do an EIR on tech shuttles
- more pics, etc from http://uptownalmanac.com/2014/04/dancing-protesters-convert-google-bus-luxury-gmuni
- Fix up the "google shuttle" versus "tech shuttle" differences across pages here
- http://www.heart-of-the-city.org/index.html
- Counterforce. And "http://kevinroseisaterribleperson.wordpress.com/" - import text (side will probably be dead in a few years)
- tech office porn
- hacker hostels
- dev bootcamps
Tons more on tech buses:
- documenting water supply systems - e.g Twin Peaks Reservoir, the Mysterious Brick Circles
- get all the parks up!
- telco switches
- those publicly-accessible-private-spaces that get posted on reddit like every week => added!
- Dolores Park closure process (a messy web of lots of news articles going back several years).
- housing crisis
- huntington park flier midendian took https://twitter.com/midendian/status/474373015166136320
- Bike lanes on polk: http://instagram.com/p/nlU8b2jgxW/#
- Privately owned public spaces map import https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=215305625166679665263.000494a2f8e47681a4953&ll=37.787437,-122.3913&spn=0.020112,0.045447&z=15&dg=feature
- Jitney Buses http://missionlocal.org/2014/06/up-until-the-1970s-muni-had-competition/
- parks you can drink in: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/California/park/article4disorderlyconduct?f=templates$fn=altmain-nf.htm$q=[field%20folio-destination-name:%27Article%204%27]$x=Advanced#JD_Article4
- PG&E power substations - http://www.spur.org/publications/article/2011-12-01/urban-field-notes-five-pge-substations-celebrate-light-and-sculpture