Occupy San Francisco is part of the global Occupy protest movement. For some months in late 2011, Occupy SF camped at Justin Herman Plaza until, like other encampments in the US, they were violently forced to disassemble by SFPD. Many Occupy meetings and demonstrations are still held there, more recently referred to as Chelsea Manning Plaza.
As of 2014, Occupy SF Action Council continues to actively engage in the national debates on debt, inequality, and gentrification through various forms of direct action throughout the city, including the 3rd Convergence at Chelsea Manning Plaza on September 20, 2014.
Un-copyrighted material from occupysf.org (July 2014)
occupysf.org (Headline July 2014: OccupySF Peacefully Protesting Politico-Economic Corruption Since September 17, 2011)
Content from an unknown contributor in May 2012:
Occupy Wall Street began on September 17th as an ongoing protest against a fundamentally broken economic system. All of the Occupies are nonviolent, operate by consensus, and have no hierarchy of leadership or control. The San Francisco Occupy began in the financial district, the west coast site of the Federal Reserve Bank and seat of extreme inequalities of wealth. The movement is spreading rapidly across the city despite stiff opposition from City Hall. We march every Saturday at 3pm from Justin Herman Plaza. Occupations are springing up in neighborhoods across the city, have formed at many foreclosed homes in the Bayview, and at schools and universities as well. San Francisco Action Council brings together organizations and affinity groups from across the city who are part of the Occupy movement. Police raids of peaceful encampments, complete with excessive force and inadequate warnings, continue. The situation on the ground is evolving rapidly. The movement that took hold on September 17th, on Wall St in New York and at the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco, cannot be contained into any single area, into any patch of concrete or metal fence. These ideas are bigger than that, and they are growing. Occupy San Francisco. Occupy Everywhere.