The Prelinger Library is an independent research library located in the SoMA neighborhood founded in 2004 by Megan Prelinger and Rick Prelinger. The library is a vast resource of historic, anthropological material (books, periodicals, maps, printed ephemera) from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Archival film materials are not held by Prelinger Library, but rather by its sibling organization Prelinger Archives. Over 6,500 moving image items from the archives may be downloaded and reused for free at Internet Archive.
Visit the library on Wednesdays, 1-8pm or contact Rick or Megan about the possibility of hosting events at a different time; for example, the Prelinger Library hosted the Gentrification Editathon on Saturday July 26, 2014.
301 8th Street (near Folsom Street)
Room 215
San Francisco, CA
info at prelingerlibrary dot org [preferred]
(415) 252-8166
See Also
Prelinger Archives (Internet Archive)
Rick Prelinger (UC Santa Cruz Faculty page)