What do you know about Environmental Education Services?

The EES provides comprehensive information for students of all majors to find out more ways in which they can be more actively sustainable while on a student budget and lessen their carbon footprints. We are basically an email account that will answer any and all questions regarding why it is important to live a more sustainable lifestyle in the first place and  steps that a student can take in specifically San Francisco and on the SFSU campus.

We realize that sustainability education is something that our society has formed classist habits around such as making less opportunities for lower income communities to have food options to obtain a sustainable diet. The area in which we live is very much influenced by the way in which we are able to prioritize thinking about how the ways in which we are living can impact our environment long term This a privilege that our club and or organization is try to normalize in the lives of students at SFSU and create a change in their present and hopefully future. 

To contact this club and the club owner, Sophia Gabay, please email us at [email protected] with any and all questions. Thankyou!