flag football

Location: The Mashouf Wellness Center 


Monday – Thursday: 6:30 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Saturday – Sunday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Website:  https://campusrec.sfsu.edu/Intramural-Sports

ZOOM: https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/94999641884?pwd=MHFGZnd0dzAxQlVTbWh3azJucXVpZz09


Intramural sports are recreational activities available to students within the community of San Francisco State University. These activities range from competitive team sports such as basketball to community building activities such as gaming or fantasy sports leagues. An active list of ongoing activities is available on the SFSU main page an is regularly updated. Intramural sports, specifically (with a coach's permission) can provide athletes with an extra resource to maintain fitness outside of basic gym training. It also provides a stress free environment for lower level athletes. The main benefit of intramural sports is in the community building found within common interests.


Upcoming events : https://campusrec.sfsu.edu/events-announcements

Policies: https://campusrec.sfsu.edu/about-us/policies