Location: Corporation Yard 202

1600 Holloway Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94132

 Hours: 24-hours

 Website: https://sustain.sfsu.edu/landscape

 Email: [email protected]

 Phone: (415) 338-7164


The plant life here at San Francisco State is very diverse, it consists of its gardens, habitats and lawns that all offer a booming ecosystem, an aesthetically welcoming environment and a learning resource for many students. At San Francisco we have 5 different botanical gardens: Bike Path Garden, Succulents Garden, Mediterranean Garden, A California Artist's Garden and Coastal California Demonstration Garden that no only contribute to the campus beauty but that are used for several science classes so students can firsthand experience and witness different plant mechanisms.

To experience the plant life at SFSU you need to simply just walk around campus. Even before you step onto campus our Pollinator Perimeter, the whole outside perimeter of our school, is filled with plants like: bush poppies, yarrow, manzanita and other more that encourage pollination with the local bees and butterflies. Our gardens are located all over campus, botanical gardens having its own theme and special plants that go along with it and other gardens like habitat gardens which are planted for an educational and study purposes.



Links: https://sustain.sfsu.edu/content/self-guided-tour , http://biology.sfsu.edu/content/bachelor-science-biology-concentration-botany