Upcoming Art Exhibits
Location: Fine Arts Gallery
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, Room 238
San Francisco, CA 94132
Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 11:00am – 4:00pm PST, and by appointment
Website: https://gallery.sfsu.edu/content/contact
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 338-6535
Resource: https://gallery.sfsu.edu/events-upcoming
Tags: Art, Gallery, Exhibit, Artwork, Fine Art
San Francisco State University provides resources and a location for those who want to explore its students’ artwork. Exhibits are open to all students, faculty members as well as the public; General Admission is free. The exhibits are typically located in the SFSU Fine Arts building, but because of the current pandemic, many exhibits are postponed or can be viewed online.
San Francisco State University is dedicated to its students as well as the community. One way to exemplify this is to allow its students to display their artwork and showcasing them to its community and the public. Allowing students to do this will promote self-expression through their artwork. The purpose of the exhibits is to interpret and enhance what they learn. Furthermore, giving a sense of the meaning behind every piece, such as raising awareness about social justice.
Below you can find the number of upcoming exhibits as well as information for the events.
Number of upcoming exhibits: 1
Name of Exhibit: Platform speaker series: POSTCOMMODITY
Location: Live - Zoom
Date and Time of Event: Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 5:30pm PST
Event’s Page: https://gallery.sfsu.edu/events/2020/10/22/936-platform-speaker-series-postcommodity
Registration Link: https://fresnostate.zoom.us/j/99887549501