
In 1984, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and Community Development Commission adopted a Redevelopment Plan that defined the Springs (formerly known as the "Sonoma Valley") Redevelopment Project Area and identified a series of goals to achieve by the year 2024. The Springs Redevelopment Plan defined the planning area boundaries and identified three objectives:

  • Alleviate the deterioration of residential neighborhoods.
  • Create an efficient commercial neighborhood.
  • Secure open space.

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Project Boundary

Located immediately north of the City of Sonoma, the Sonoma Valley Redevelopment Project Area roughly flanks Highway 12 from Agua Caliente Road at the northern-most edge, south to the City/County line near Verano Avenue. The Redevelopment Project Area boundary extends farther west along Boyes Boulevard to encompass residential neighborhoods between Greger Street and Railroad Avenue. Sonoma Creek parallels the area to the west. Highway 12 is a major arterial and commercial spine running north-south through the center of the community. The Redevelopment Project Area is entirely unincorporated and falls under the jurisdiction of Sonoma County.

Springs Redevelopment Advisory Committee

The Springs Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) provides input and guidance to the Board of Supervisors and the Community Development Commission regarding The Springs Redevelopment Project.


The RAC consists of seven (7) members each serving 4-year terms. They are:

Residential Owner-Occupant
Donna Hays
Residential Tenant
Ryan Lely
Business Operator
David Whiteley
Business Property Owner
Richard Lee
Arroyo Veterinary Hospital
Existing Community Organization
Steve Cox
Supervisor's Appointee 1
Ellen Conlan
Supervisor's Appointee 2
Kara Olness-Reyes


All meetings are open to the public. Regular Committee meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at the Valley of the Moon Boys and Girls Club.

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