- American Kestrel (ann-arbor)
- Bird Center of Washtenaw County (ann-arbor)
- Birds (ann-arbor)
- Birds and Human Influence in Isla Vista (islavista)
- Birds of Lake Merritt (oakland)
- Birds of prey (ann-arbor)
- Black-Crowned Night Herons (oakland)
- Canada Geese (oakland)
- Champaign County Forest Preserves District (cu)
- Chickens (ann-arbor)
- Cooper's hawks (ann-arbor)
- Crows (ann-arbor)
- ducks (eugene)
- Ducks in your yard (ib)
- Easterbrook Bird Fountain (oakland)
- Egrets (oakland)
- Egrets at Sports Park (ib)
- Field Checklist of Ann Arbor's Breeding Birds (ann-arbor)
- Fox Ridge State Park (cu)
- Geodesic Bird Dome (oakland)
- Hank the pelican (oakland)
- Homer Lake Forest Preserve (cu)
- Hummingbirds (oakland)
- Important Bird Area (IBA) (chicago)
- Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve (cu)
- Leslie Science and Nature Center (ann-arbor)
- Mallard ducks (ann-arbor)
- Middle Fork River Forest Preserve (cu)
- Mute Swan (ann-arbor)
- Oakland Bird Watching (oakland)
- Peregrine Falcons (gr)
- Peregrine falcons (ann-arbor)
- Raptors (oakland)
- River Raisin Raptor Center (ann-arbor)
- Swans (ann-arbor)
- The Birds of Washtenaw County, Michigan (ann-arbor)
- The macaw at the beach (ib)
- Tijuana Estuary (ib)
- Tracy Aviary (slc)
- Tufted Duck (oakland)
- Turkey vultures (ann-arbor)
- Users/Soul (oakland)
- Washtenaw Audubon Society (ann-arbor)
- Wild Birds Unlimited (tallahassee)