- Ada's Technical Books (seattle)
- A Great Good Place for Books (oakland)
- A List of Books About Reno (reno-sparks)
- Auto World Books (camarillo)
- Avid Reader at the Tower (sac)
- Babbitt's Books (bloomington-normal)
- Barnes & Noble Booksellers (syracuse)
- Bibliomania (oakland)
- Big Apple Books (ftl)
- Black Swan Books (oakland)
- Bluewater Books & Charts (ftl)
- Bookmark Bookstore (oakland)
- Books and Books (miami)
- Books & Memories (syracuse)
- Bookstores (cu)
- Bookstores (tallahassee)
- Borderlands Books (sf)
- Borders (syracuse)
- Cartoon Art Museum (sf)
- Christian Family Supplies (camarillo)
- CSUCI Bookstore (camarillo)
- Diesel Bookstore (oakland)
- Dr. Comics & Mr. Games (oakland)
- Elliott Bay Book Company (seattle)
- Finding Forrester’s Books (ftl)
- Fine Books (tulsa)
- Gardner's Used Books (tulsa)
- g-mart (cu)
- Grassroots Books (reno-sparks)
- Illini Union Bookstore (cu)
- In Other Words (pdx)
- Laurel Book Store (oakland)
- Lemoyne College Bookstore (syracuse)
- Leonardo's Arts & Sciences (cleveland)
- Libros Libres (oakland)
- Magus Books (seattle)
- Marcus Books (oakland)
- Mount Hermon Christian Camps (santacruz)
- Murphy's Downtown Books (syracuse)
- Old Florida Book Shop (ftl)
- Past Times Bookshop (camarillo)
- Pegasus Books (oakland)
- Powell's Books (pdx)
- Powell's Books Building 2 (pdx)
- Powell's Books on Hawthorne (pdx)
- Prairie Archives (springfield)
- Priceless Books (cu)
- Seven Rays Book Store Inc (syracuse)
- Snowbound Books (marquettemi)
- Spectator Books (oakland)
- Sundance Books and Music (reno-sparks)
- Tally Ho! Books (oakland)
- The Book Shop (hayward)
- The Bookworm (camarillo)
- The Catalyst (santacruz)
- The Frugal Bookworm (tulsa)
- Twice Sold Tales (seattle)
- Undergrounds Coffeehaus (ftl)
- University of Nevada Press (reno-sparks)
- Waldenbooks (syracuse)
- Walden Pond Books (oakland)
- Zephyr Books (reno-sparks)