Our Mission

The Mission of Elder Care Services is to improve the Quality of Life for Seniors.

Our Vision

Elder Care Services, Inc. is the unquestioned leader in serving seniors in the Big Bend area.

We provide services that improve the quality of life for seniors

We are our area's definitive source of accurate information on aging issues, services and programs affecting seniors

We actively advocate for seniors, working with others to fulfill unmet needs in the community

What We Do

Click here to review the ECS Agency Overview Powerpoint.

Who We Are

The Elder Care Services' logo is a log cabin quilt design that symbolizes our services. Just as carefully chosen pieces of fabric sewn together make a quilt, basics like a bath, meals, clean clothes, transportation, and companionship form a pattern of care for seniors. Through ECS, active seniors provide a vital piece, helping others and meeting needs in our community.

Our vision includes being the definitive source of information on aging issues and services, and acting as an advocate for seniors. ECS collaborates with local, state, and federal agencies, for-profit and non-profit organizations, local schools and universities, and foundations to find resources and solutions for unmet needs in our community. In 2012 over 8,000 seniors and their families received help from Elder Care Services.