Levy Park - An Awesome Neighborhood


Section 1:  The name of this organization shall be the Levy Park Neighborhood Association, hereafter referred to as the Association.
Section 2:  The mission of the Association is to foster kindness, safety, service, and community in the neighborhood known as Levy Park.

Section 3:  The objectives of the Association are to:  represent and advance the interests of the neighborhood residents; keep residents informed of issues vital to the neighborhood, establish mutual protection and safety; encourage positive interaction among neighbors; preserve community character.



Section 1:   The boundaries of the Levy Park Neighborhood include:  The east side of Gibbs Drive, the south side of Tharpe Street, the west side of North Monroe Street, and the north side of 4th Avenue.  These boundaries comprise the service area for the Levy Park Neighborhood Association.



Section 1:  All those who reside within the boundaries described in Article 2 are voluntary members of the Association.  All those who own property within the boundaries, even if they reside elsewhere, are voluntary members of the Association.  Any corporation or other entity located within the Association’s boundaries is entitled to be a voluntary member.

Section 2:  Voluntary dues, if needed, shall be established by the members at the year-end meeting held at end of each fiscal year (July 1-June 30).  No person living within the Association boundaries will be excluded if dues are not paid.  Voluntary contributions are accepted throughout the year for postage and printing, CONA membership fees, and other items or projects that support the objectives of the Association.



Section 1:  When the executive officers meet, a simple majority of officers shall be present for the transaction of Association business.

Section 2:  At general assembly and special meetings, only members who are present at a meeting shall be entitled to vote.  There shall be no proxy voting.  A majority vote of the members present at a meeting shall carry a motion.  No member shall have more that one vote.  Non-resident multiple owners of property are entitled to just one vote.  Any corporation or other entity located within the Association’s boundaries is entitled to one vote.  Voting shall normally be by show of hands or, if members deem necessary, secret ballot.



Section 1:  The executive officers of the Association shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a CONA (Council of Neighborhood Associations) delegate.  

Section 2:  Executive officers shall be elected for one-year terms at the Association year-end meeting which will be held on or about June 30 each year.  Executive officers must reside within the boundaries described in Article 2.  Nominations for officers may come from the membership at the general assembly meeting prior to the year-end meeting.  Elections, occurring during the year-end meeting, shall normally be by show of hands or, if members deem necessary, secret ballot.

Section 3:  President shall preside at all general assembly meetings; be an ex-officio member of all committees; be empowered to speak on behalf of the Association consistent with the mission, objectives, and the prior resolutions of the Association; appoint the Social Committee Chair(s).  Vice-President shall fulfill the duties of the president in the president's absence; assume the presidency if, for any reason, the president cannot continue to serve; serve as the parliamentarian of the Association; appoint the Service Committee Chair(s).  Secretary shall keep and publish an accurate record of all business of the association; appoint the Crime Watch Chair.  Treasurer shall be responsible for the association monies; keep an accurate record of the receipts and expenditures; appoint the Crime Watch Chair if the Secretary position is vacant.  The CONA delegate shall represent the Levy Park Neighborhood Association at the Council of Neighborhood Association meetings.

Section 4:  Any executive officer may be removed from office by a simple majority vote of the remaining executive officers plus the chairs of the standing committees.

Section 5:  When necessary, vacant offices may be filled at any meeting by a simple majority vote of the remaining executive officers plus the chairs of the standing committees for the unexpired portion of the term.

Section 6:  The standing committees of the Association shall be the Social Committee, Service Committee, and Crime Watch.  The Social Committee and Service Committee may have up to two chairs.  Chairs are appointed by the designated executive officer at any time and are not bound by term limits.  Committee chairs may be removed by a simple majority vote of the executive officers.  



Section 1:  Meetings of the executive officers shall be up to the discretion of the officers.

Section 2:  Meetings of the standing committees shall be up to the discretion of the committee chairs.

Section 3:  Meetings of the general membership, or general assembly meetings, shall occur quarterly or as called by the executive officers. The year-end meeting, on or about June 30th, constitutes one of the quarterly meetings and is when elections will take place.

Section 4:  The executive officers may call special meetings.  A special meeting may also be called by a petition signed by members and presented to the executive officers.


Section 1:  The executive officers shall transact necessary business in the intervals between general assembly meetings and such other business as referenced by the members.  Also, the executive officers may appoint ad hoc committees as needed and approve the work of such committees.



Section 1:  These bylaws shall become effective upon approval by a simple majority of the members present at the first year-end meeting of the Association.

Section 2:  These bylaws may be amended at any general assembly meeting by a simple majority vote of the membership present provided such amendments have been submitted in writing to an executive officer two weeks prior to the general assembly meeting.

Section 3:  If the Association is dissolved, all monies remaining shall be donated to CONA.