Some Floridians consider the Love Bug to be our state bird/insect.  These super irritating pests take flight along the roads and highways and make a mess of cars and trucks.  They are highly acidic, and their remains can pit the clear coat paint of most vehicles if they're not washed off within 48 hours. 

There are several home remedies for removing love bugs.  One of the most popular involves Bounce Fabric sheets.  They require elbow grease to really remove all the residue.  The suggested best method requires wetting the infected surface with water, then taking a Bounce dryer sheet, and using a circular motion, wipeing out the bug residue.  Some of the cheaper dryer sheets may scratch the paint job.  When finished attacking all the residue, let this soapy area stand for 10 minutes, then rinse.  You might need to re-do a tough area.  Elbow grease will remove from windshields.  Don't use your wipers during a love bug attack, they'll only create visual havoc.  Pull onto a clear area, or a roadside park, and really clean the windshield.  Keeping love bug supplies in your trunk might help..

Florida heat can bake the bugs into the paint in just a couple of days.  Try to make sure your vehicle has been waxed recently, the wax will help protect the paint.  Don't use spray-on oils, such as Pam.  It doesn't protect your paint, and is very tough to get off.

The two love bug seasons are from late April to May, and from late August to September.  Scientists from the U. of Fl. say they swarm around highways because they're attracted by engine heat.