Faceless & Nameless - Anonyme & Inconnu

Faceless & Nameless is part of City on the Move: A Festival of Young Artists in Transit.

The City of Toronto is vast, with its many parks, beaches, and century houses.

The City is also versatile. Condominiums pop up right in front of the city's inhabitants.

The City is constantly challenging its inhabitants visually at the very least.

Enter into this mix, Toronto raised and recent OCAD grad Ayesha Stewart, who began asking questions with her lens.

Realizing it is all too simple to take Toronto's sculptural landscape and beauty for granted, she asks,

"What is it that makes this ever-growing city different from others around the province, country, or even the world ? "

"What if I moved away for 15 years, what images of my former home would remain or refragment in my mind ? "

Faceless & Nameless - Anonyme & Inconnu is her answer thus far.

A collection of photographs which could be anywhere. They challenge the viewer in turn to ask, "What is it? Where is it?" causing Ayesha to muse, "That's the whole point...it doesn't have to be T.O."

Photographs by Ayesha Stewart currently showing in Don Mills Station until the end of September 2009.

Thereafter it is scheduled for a showing in the Scarborough Centre Station.